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6 Major Alkaline Earth Metals With Their Oxides

Published Date: 2025-03-04 16:08:40

The earth has six main alkaline earth metals. This means they have a pH of more than 7. All six alkaline earth metals are said to have similar properties such as shiny and silver finish on the top of their surface. They have higher melting points, and boiling points, than alkali metals. Alkaline earth metals own two valence electrons, form +2 cations, and have low electronegativity.

Now, continue reading this blog until the end to learn more about alkaline earth metals and their oxides. Further, you will also learn about the applications of alkaline metals.

Here is the list of the alkaline earth metals:

1 Beryllium (Be): Beryllium is one of the six alkaline earth metals found in Group 2 of the periodic table. It is the first metal in the alkaline earth metals. It is hard, offers thermal conductivity, corrosion-resistant, and non-magnetic. Beryllium does not react with water. It is hard to find pure beryllium but its compounds can be found in soil, coal, and mineral rocks.  The melting point of beryllium is 1277 degrees Celsius and the boiling point is 2770 degrees Celsius.


Beryllium Oxide (BeO): Beryllium Oxide consists of Beryllium and Oxide in an equal ratio that is 1:1. It is white and releases toxic gas when heated. If someone has direct contact with beryllium oxide for long periods, it can cause berylliosis, affecting the lungs. This can further cause lung cancer. The melting point of beryllium oxide is 2507 degrees Celsius and the boiling point is 3905 degrees Celsius.

2 Magnesium (Mg): This is the second example of an alkaline earth metal. It is light, hard, and white as silver. It is corrosion-resistant, as its top layer protects the metal from air. Magnesium has minimal melting and boiling points of 650 degrees Celsius and 1090 degrees Celsius respectively. The largest resources of magnesium are found in lake brines and seawater.


Magnesium Oxide (MgO): Magnesium oxide is also known as magnesia. It is formed when magnesium is reacted with air. This reaction can be reversed by heating its molecules. It is found in nature as the mineral periclase.  Magnesium oxide can also be prepared in the laboratories. If mixed with water it forms Magnesium Hydroxide (Mg(OH)₂). The melting point of magnesium oxide is 2852 degrees Celsius and the boiling point is 3600 degrees Celsius.

3 Calcium (Ca): Calcium is known to be the third most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. It is found in gypsum, limestone, and fluorite. Calcium forms a dark oxide-nitride layer on its surface when exposed to air. It is ductile, and a poor conductor of electricity. The melting point of calcium is 839±2 degrees Celsius and the boiling point is 1484 degrees Celsius.

Calcium Oxide (CaO): The other name of calcium oxide is lime or quicklime. Calcium oxide is prepared by heating the limestone or material that contains calcium carbonate in a lime kiln. The melting point of calcium oxide is 2613 degrees Celsius and the boiling point is 2850 degrees Celsius. It can be dissolved in water and glycerol. It can easily bear high temperatures. Calcium oxides shine brightly when heated at temperatures above 2643 K.

4 Strontium (Sr): Strontium occurs naturally as compounds with other elements such as strontianite. It is not present as a pure element in nature because it easily reacts with water and oxygen. The top layer of strontium has a silver color. Strontium is softer than calcium. It is solid at room temperature. The melting point of Strontium is 777 degrees Celsius, and the boiling point is 1377 degrees Celsius.

Strontium Oxide (SrO): It is formed when Strontium reacts with oxygen. Strontium turns yellow when oxides are formed. It has a melting point of 2430 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of 3000 degrees Celsius. It is completely soluble in potassium hydroxide solution, slightly soluble in alcohol, and insoluble in ether and acetone. When it reacts with water it forms Strontium Hydroxide Sr(OH)2 and releases heat during reaction.

5 Barium (Ba): Barium is similar to strontium as it cannot be found in its pure form in nature. This is because it can react with oxygen and water with ease.  Therefore, it is extracted from the mineral barite. It is soft as compared to other metals. It makes up about 0.05% of the earth’s crust. Barium offers high conductivity and chemical reactivity. The melting point of barium is 725 degrees Celsius, and the boiling point is 1640 degrees Celsius.

Barium Oxide (BaO): It is also known as Baria. Barium Oxide is formed by heating barium carbonate at temperatures between 1000 degrees Celsius to 1450 degrees Celsius. It is soluble in ethanol and insoluble in acetone and liquid ammonia. The melting point of barium oxide is 1923 degrees Celsius, and the boiling point is 2000 degrees Celsius.

6 Radium (Ra): It is the sixth alkaline earth metal. The melting point of radium is 700 degrees Celsius, and the boiling point is 1737 degrees Celsius. Radium is found in very small quantities in rocks and soils. When radium starts to decay it produces a radioactive gas called radon. It can cause lung cancer if exposed too much.

Radium Oxide (RaO): Radium oxide can be prepared by heating the radium metal in air. It has a solid appearance with a molar mass of 242g/mol. Radium oxide reacts with water to form radium hydroxide Ra(OH)2.


There are various applications of the six major alkaline earth metals. They are useful in particular industries due to their unique properties. Some of the main applications are as follows:

1 Aerospace Industry: Berrylium is a corrosion and wear resistant. It has high strength and hard material. So, it is used in components of the aerospace industry.




2 Nuclear industry: Berrylium oxide is widely used in the nuclear industry due to its high melting point. It is used in military vehicle armor, rocket nozzles, nuclear fuels, and nuclear moderators.

3 Alloying agent: Magnesium is alloyed with various other metals to enhance its properties. It makes magnesium stronger, corrosion-resistant, and lightweight.

4 Fireworks: When we burn magnesium it produces bright white light. This property of magnesium makes it perfect for manufacturing fireworks.

5 Building Materials: Calcium compounds are popularly used in building materials such as concrete, cement, and mortar.

6 Dietary Supplements: Calcium is an important component for the improvement of bone health in both humans and animals. Two major Calcium supplements are Carbonate and Citrate.



7 X-Ray Imaging: Barium Sulphate, a compound of Barium is widely used in x-ray imaging. It is insoluble in water and provides contrasts in x-ray images.

8 Pyrotechnics: Strontium produces bright red flames on burning. This makes it suitable for the production of pyrotechnics and flares.

9 Historical Use: Until the 1970s, radium was used as an instrument for dials, aircraft switches, clocks, and self-luminous paints for watches.

10 Automobiles: Magnesium and beryllium are used in producing engines, and calcium is used to make the batteries. Magnesium is also used to manufacture the body parts of automobiles.

11 Desulfurization: Magnesium is used in the desulfurization of iron and steel. It removes the sulfur impurities during the refining process.



1 How many metals are on the periodic table of elements?

There are a total of 118 elements in the modern periodic table. Out of these, there are 89 metals, 22 non-metals, and 7 metalloids.

2 How many rare earth elements are there?

There are 17 rare earth elements in the world.

3 What elements does the group A periodic table of elements have? 

Group 1A of the periodic table contains alkali metals, Group 2A contains alkaline earth metals, Group 7A contains Halogens, Group 8A contains noble gases, and Group 3 to 12 contains transition elements.

4 What side are alkali metals on the periodic table?

The alkali metals are found on the left side of the periodic table.

5 What are the periodic table group names?

There are a total of 18 groups in the periodic table. They are alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, scandium family, titanium family, vanadium family, chromium family, manganese family, iron family, cobalt family, nickel family, copper family, zinc family, boron family, carbon family, nitrogen family, oxygen family, fluorine family, and neon family.

6 Where are alkali metals found on the periodic table?

The six alkali earth metals are on the left side of the Group 1 column in the periodic table.

7 Do alkaline earth metals form cations or anions?

Alkaline earth metals form cations. When they react with other elements, instead of gaining two electrons it lose them. This makes them a cation.



After reading this blog till the end you must have gained enough knowledge about alkaline earth metals, their oxides, and their applications. Each metal has its unique properties which makes them suitable for various industrial use. They are widely used in industries such as aerospace industry, nuclear industry, building materials, and automobile industry.
